The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation’s Pathways Narrative Project is a pilot initiative aimed at harnessing narrative change to drive programmatic and systemic transformation. Trasaterra developed a comprehensive suite of tools that included a web-based research application for narrative data collection and analysis, as well as a public-facing website to disseminate the project’s insights. Our
Creative Fields: Design
Saint Mary Grand
Saint Mary Grand is a comprehensive brand, design, and web campaign developed in collaboration with Fr. Andrew O’Connor to revitalize the presence of the nearly 200-year-old historic St. Mary Church in New York City’s Lower East Side as it prepares to celebrate its bicentennial. We expanded on Fr. Andrew’s original artwork to create a distinctive
Miras Search Partners
Miras Search Partners is a boutique Executive Search and Recruitment Firm with over 20 years of experience specializing in the Pharmaceutical & Biotechnology Industry. We created a new brand identity and website to communicate its sage expertise in pharma + biotech recruiting.
Mazzola Lindstrom
Mazzola Lindstrom LLP is a legal firm with offices in New York and Los Angeles that represents US and international clients in litigation, arbitration, mediation and complex transactions. We created a new brand identity to reflect ML’s balance of creativity and classic refinement. The website expanded on those themes and was designed to communicate the
Schoen Cooperman Research
Schoen Cooperman Research is a strategic consulting firm that helps its political, corporate, and advocacy clients execute change initiatives. The firm was formerly known as Schoen Consulting. We created a new brand identity to highlight SCR’s transition which showcases Carly Cooperman as partner with Doug Schoen (a well-known political analyst and founder of the company).
Sacral Space
Sacral Space Wellness provides online HypnoBirthing classes, resources and community to inspire and empower peaceful and transformational birth. We created an empowering identity, including the name and logo, to launch the holistic brand.
856 Washington
856 Washington is a boutique condominium in the Prospect Park neighborhood of Brooklyn, New York built in 2018. Trasaterra worked on naming and branding concepts in conjunction with the Douglas Elliman marketing team and another agency. We then rolled out the brand, designing and building an immersive scrolling website which conveys the contemporary elegance of
New Narratives
New Narratives is a women-led non-profit organization that builds local news media through support for independent journalism and business model building in the Global South. We created the original visual identity and the most recent evolution of the brand, and subsequently translated the redesigned identity into the organization’s website to reflect the vision.
Certified Welcoming
Certified Welcoming is a certification for cities. We created the naming, logo, identity and brand book for the program. We designed a manual that lays out the guidelines and recommendations for welcoming newly-arrived immigrants into communities. It’s intended for municipal administrators around the country.
Community Works Brochures
Community Works elevates the voices of people who have come into contact with the justice system and advances polices and practices that promote diversion and successful reentry. We designed a suite of brochures for the Client’s services ranging from youth reentry, violence reduction, communities affected by incarceration, families and youth with incarcerated parents. Each service
Shine On
Shine On was a moonshine beverage brand from a prospective Tennessee Corn Liquor Distillery in Cosby (moonshine capital of the world and start of the whiskey trail). We designed a full identity including logo, packaging label and apparel to conceptually connect with the authentic roots of the project.
Amerivents is a full-service hospitality organization that provides staffing, catering, and event management services for events. We created a logo concept built around a star/sun burst. The symbol is suggestive of energy, festivity, dynamism and light. The centered logotype adds symmetry and a complementary feeling of stability and reliability to the brand.
Kruzhkov Russo
Kruzhkov Russo is a law firm specializing in domestic and foreign entities and high net worth individuals. We created a brand identity and website that distinguishes them as a boutique firm that is equally focused on maintaining and enhancing the image of their clients.
Christie’s Print Collateral Design
This is a sampling of of high-end print collateral we designed for Christie’s Auction House.