
You need a web team in your rolodex.

Your website is the most powerful marketing channel for your small business or organization. If it’s not running optimally, you’re losing customers.


We host.

Speedy and secure hosting. 99.9% uptime guaranteed on servers monitored 24-7. Domain hosting available.


We fix.

Things break. Your site will go down, or the credit card form will stop working, or your backups won’t run, or the image on your homepage will “magically” disappear. We fix broken things, and we do it quickly and with a smile. When that happens, you need us on speed dial.


We secure.

30,000 websites get hacked every day. And when it happens, intruders can gain control of your site, deface your image, and steal information. Our team can clean up after hacks, harden the site so they don’t happen, and keep abreast of current security challenges.


We update.

The number one most important task for owners of WordPress, Drupal, or Joomla sites is to periodically run updates. Ignoring these leaves sites unsecured on a rickety foundation. With a plan from Trasaterra, our team will monitor for updates to your website and any relevant modules or plugins and apply them in the background.


We build.

Websites that never change are a missed opportunity and a wasted investment. With a plan from Trasaterra, we can maximize your web presence by updating your site, adding pages, tweaking designs, or adding new features.


Use as much as you need — no lofty project fees.

You simply pay on an hourly basis for web development time spent on your website. Bulk hours retainers get a lower rate, but even basic maintenance plans have access to a web developer for tasks on demand.


Get your own web developer.

With Trasaterra you get your own dedicated web developer who learns your site and your goals. Your web developer will keep the site updated, protected, backed up, and performing well, and is available to make any other website changes or improvements the site needs.


More cost effective than the alternatives.

Why hire a full-time web developer or contract with a freelancer when you can simply pay on an hourly basis for web development? Pay for only what you use.


No more “support tickets.” Talk to a real human.

You won’t have to sign into a black-box-like support ticketing system with no idea who will be responding, or when. Your Support Manager will be your contact, your coder, and, we hope, your friend. They will help you navigate tricky digital terrain with care and confidence.


United States based. Never outsourced.

We operate out of our NYC-based office, and all work is done by our own employees in the United States. We don’t outsource website care.


Get started.
917 749 6850